III Trophy Valle del Arlanza


Registration for both events will be done through the SICO platform of the Spanish Orienteering Federation.

In the official categories of the 4th race of the Spanish League only federated athletes or foreigners without FEDO license can participate.

Entries will be accepted from June 15th 2024 until September 8th 2024.
From the second registration deadline (1st September) the fees will be increased by 5€ in all categories and modalities.

If the event has to be cancelled due to circumstances beyond the organisation’s control, registration fees will be refunded in this way:

  • Before September 2nd, 50% of the entry fee will be refunded.
  • After September 2nd , 25% of the entry fee will be refunded.
DurationWith FEDO licenceWithout FEDO licence
Without FEDO licence
12 hours (*)40€45€45€
6 hours27€32€32€
3 hours15€20€20€
(*) Includes 6h race registration
SportIdent 6 / 12 hours5€
SportIdent 3 hours3€
Hard Floor2€

Participating minors

Minors participating in some of the tests must present an authorization signed by their parents and send it to [email protected].

Official Dinner

At 10:45 p.m. the Official Dinner will be held after the arrival of all the runners.

All people registered for any of the races will have the right to enjoy it free of charge as long as they have checked the box intended for this purpose when registering at SICO.

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