III Trophy Valle del Arlanza

Spanish U-Rogaine League Categories

Senior Male18 years or more in 20246 hours
Senior Female18 years or more in20246 hours
Senior Mixed18 years or more in 20246 hours
Veterana Male40 years or more in 20246 hours
Veterana Female40 years or more in 20246 hours
Veterana Mixed40 years or more in 20246 hours
Superveterana Male55 years or more in 20246 hours
Superveterana Female55 years or more in 20246 hours
Superveterana Mixed55 years or more in 20246 hours
Ultraveterana Male65 years or more in 20246 hours
Ultraveterana Female65 years or more in 20246 hours
Ultraveterana Mixed65 years or more in 20246 hours
Junior Male20 years or more in 20246 hours
Junior Female20 years or more in 20246 hours
Junior Mixed20 years or more in 20246 hours
Short Open 3 hoursNo age limit3 hours
Long Open 6 hoursNo age limit6 hours
  • Any orienteer, Spanish or foreign, belonging to a club, with a FEDO season licence, may participate in any category (official or non-official), which corresponds to him/her, in principle, by sex and age, as long as no additional measures of limitation of participation have had to be established.
  • Any Spanish orienteer, without a FEDO season licence and with a trial licence, may participate in any unofficial category that corresponds to him/her, in principle, by sex and age, as long as no additional measures of limitation of participation have had to be established.
  • Any foreign orienteer belonging to a club or not, with a FEDO trial licence, may participate in any category (official or unofficial), which corresponds to him/her, in principle, by sex and age, as long as no additional measures of limitation of participation have had to be established.

IbeRogaine Categories

Male Open (HO)No age limit12 hours
Female Open (DO)No age limit12 hours
Mixed Open (XO)No age limit12 hours
Veteran Male (HV)45 years or more in 202412 hours
Veteran Female (DV)45 years or more in 202412 hours
Veteran Mixed (XV)45 years or more in 202412 hours
Superveteran Male (HSV)55 years or more in 202412 hours
Superveteran Female (DSV)55 years or more in 202412 hours
Superveteran Mixed (XSV)55 years or more in 202412 hours
Ultraveteran Male (HUV)65 years or more in 202412 hours
Ultraveteran Female (DUV)65 years or more in 202412 hours
Ultraveteran Mixed (XUV)65 years or more in 202412 hours
Junior Male (HJJ)23 years or more in 202412 hours
Junior Female (DJJ)23 years or more in 202412 hours
Junior Mixed (XJJ)23 years or more in 202412 hours
Juvenile/ Veteran (JV)18 years or less in 2024
45 years or more in 2024
12 hours
  • Super veterans also classify directly to Veterans category.
  • Ultra veterano also classify directly to the veterans and superveterans categories.
  • Juvenile-Veteran. In no case may the team be made up of people aged between 19 and 44 years.
  • The organisers may include any age category in the previous one in case there are less than 3 teams registered.
    • For example, Junior to Open, Ultra veterans to Superveterans, Superveterans to Veterans or Veterans to Open.
  • Participants under 16 years of age must be part of teams with a team member over 18 years of age.

Teams that want to score in both events

Desde la organización se busca que los participantes disfruten al máximo de la competición. Por ello los equipos que así lo deseen, puedan disputar ambas pruebas:
Liga Nacional de U-Rogaine (FEDO) y Campeonato de España IbeRogaine (Liga IBEROGAINE) y los puntos conseguidos servirán para sus rankings respectivos.

Todos los equipos que se inscriban a la Liga Española de U-Rogaine podrán puntuar también en el Campeonato de España de IbeRogaine (12h) siempre que cumplan los requisitos de participación de ambas normativas.

Todos los equipos que se inscriban la liga Española de U-Rogaine (FEDO) podrán puntuar también para el Campeonato de España de IbeRogaine siempre que pasen por meta a las 6h del inicio de la carrera y podrán continuar su carrera hasta completar las 12h. En el último boletín se desarrollará exactamente cual deberá ser el proceder de dichos equipos.

A todos los equipos que se inscriban en la Liga Española de U-Rogaine (FEDO) y que puntúen también en el Campeonato de España IbeRogaine (12h) en caso de picar la
meta tarde se les aplicará las penalizaciones correspondientes en cada liga. Pudiéndose dar el caso de tener penalización en U-Rogaine y no tenerla en IbeRogaine (y viceversa).

Para que todos los equipos que quieran tomar parte de las dos competiciones cumplan las mismas normas y por tanto tengan las mismas oportunidades:

The organisers want participants to enjoy the competition as much as possible. For this reason, the teams that wish to do so can compete in both events:
National U-Rogaine League (FEDO) and IbeRogaine Spanish Championship (IBEROGAINE League) and the points obtained will be used for their respective rankings.

All teams that register for the Spanish U-Rogaine League will also be able to score in the IbeRogaine Spanish Championship (12h) as long as they meet the participation requirements of both regulations.

All teams that register for the Spanish U-Rogaine League (FEDO) can also score points for the Spanish IbeRogaine Championship as long as they pass the finish line at 6h from the start of the race and can continue their race until the end of the 12h. Exact details about how these teams should proceed will be defined in the last bulletin.

All teams that are registered in the Spanish U-Rogaine League (FEDO) and that also score in the IbeRogaine Spanish Championship (12h) will be subject to the corresponding penalties in each league in the event of a late finish. It may be the case of having a penalty in U-Rogaine and not having it in IbeRogaine (and vice versa).

So that all teams that want to take part in both competitions comply with the same rules and therefore have the same opportunities:

  • The start of both races U-Rogaine and Iberogaine Spanish Championship will take place at the same time and will have the same preparation time for strategy.
  • The teams that want to take part in both competitions will make their registration in their official FEDO category and in the Optional section they will tick the Rogaine 12h box, which will mean that the supplement will be applied to them and means that they will be able to take part in both competitions.


Un equipo formado por una madre de 47 años con su hijo de 17 años que además están federados por la FEDO y quieren participar en las 2 carreras.
Cómo tienen que proceder: se podrán apuntar en U-Rogaine en categoría oficial en Absoluta Mixta, o en categoría no oficial de Open 6h y si marcan la casilla opcional de Rogaine 12h, la categoría en la que disputarían el Campeonato de España de IbeRogaine sería en J/V ósea Juvenil/Veterano.

A senior men’s team that usually participates in the National U-Rogaine League and also wants to qualify for the IbeRogaine 12h Spanish Championship.
How to proceed: they must register under his usual team name in the National Rogaine League in the official Senior Male category (6h) and tick the optional Rogaine 12h box, which will mean a supplement to his registration fee, and his registration for the Iberogaine Spanish Championship.

A veteran women’s team with one of its members aged 42 who usually participates in the Spanish U-Rogaine League (FEDO) in the veteran category but for the IbeRogaine Spanish Championships must register in OD as the requirement is that they are all aged 45 or over.
How to proceed: they must register with their usual team name in the Spanish U-Rogaine League, in the VF category (6h) and tick the optional Rogaine 12h box, which will mean that they will participate in the Spanish IbeRogaine Championship in the DO category (as for this championship they do not meet the age requirement of being all veterans (over 45 years old).

A team formed by a 47 year old mother and her 17 year old son who are also federated by the FEDO and want to participate in the 2 races.
How to proceed: they can sign up in U-Rogaine in the official category in Absolute Mixed, or in the unofficial category of Open 6h and if they tick the optional box of Rogaine 12h, the category in which they would compete in the IbeRogaine Spanish Championship would be in J/V or Juvenile/Veteran.

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