III Trophy Valle del Arlanza


The 4th Round of the 2024 Spanish Rogaine League will be governed by the rules indicated in the Regulations of the 2024 Spanish U-Rogaine League.

The IbeRogaine Spanish Championship will be governed by the rules indicated in the Regulations of the IbeRogaine Association.

And by the rules detailed below:

  • Failure to comply with the rules set by the organization and the Regulations, as well as having a negative attitude towards nature, public and private property, are grounds for disqualification. Runners are expected to show the utmost respect and care for the environment.
  • It is forbidden to throw rubbish around the course (containers, gel wrappers and energy bars, etc.) and each runner is responsible for storing and throwing it away at the end of the race in the designated points in the competition centre.
  • The weather will not be an obstacle to the development of the race, although the organisation may modify or suspend it to guarantee the safety of the participants.
  • If one or more participants in each team are minors, they must present an authorisation signed by their parents, mothers or respective guardians.
  • The SportIdent card must be attached to the wrist with a seal that will be handed over by the organisation when collecting the number.
  • The seal will be removed exclusively by organisation staff upon reaching the finish line. If a participant breaks the seal, the entire team will be disqualified.
  • The teams will be made up of 2 to 5 orienteers, who will always keep together, allowing a maximum separation between them of 20 meters and a maximum difference in the steps of the control of 1 minute between the first and last member of the team.
  • They must compete in complete autonomy of food, water, and clothing throughout the course, and cannot receive external help, or from other teams. Mechanical means cannot be used to advance.
  • If a member gives up, the entire team is disqualified. The rest of the team members may continue, but are out of competition. The runner who gives up must pass through the finish line and through the SportIdent area to report that he has withdrawn.


All participants must respect these regulations. Ignorance does not exempt from its compliance or from the effects of its application.


The classification will be established by the points obtained: it will be the sum of the values ​​of the controls visited minus possible penalties for arriving late at the finish line.

U-Rogaine League

From minute 00:00 to 10:00, 2 points are lost for every minute.
From minute 10:01 to 20:00, 3 points are lost for every minute.
From minute 20:01 to 30:00, 4 points are lost for every minute.
From minute 30:00 all points are lost.

In the event of a tie on points, the team that spent the least time will win. If the tie continues, the team that has visited the most checkpoints will win.

IbeRogaine Spanish Championship

From minute 00:01 to 05:00, 5 points are lost
From minute 05:01 to 10:00, 10 points are lost
From minute 10:01 to 15:00, 20 points are lost
From minute 15:01 to 20:00 30 points are lost
From minute 20:01 to 25:00, 40 points are lost
From minute 25:01 to 30:00, 50 points are lost

In the event of a tie on points, the team that spent the least time will win. If the tie continues, the team that has visited the most checkpoints will win.

Mandatory Equipment

The lack of any element of the mandatory equipment may lead to the disqualification of the team. A equipment check will be carried out before start and during the development of the race, surprise equipment checks may be carried out.

Mandatory equipment by team

☐ Mobile phone
☐ Emergency isothermal coverage
☐ Emergency first aid kit with:
🢡 Disinfectant
🢡 Antihistamine
🢡 Anti-inflammatory
🢡 Painkiller
🢡 Dressings to cover wounds

Mandatory equipment by participant

☐ SportIdent Card
☐ Backpack
☐ Whistle
☐ Functional headlamp
☐ Energy food for the day
☐ Container with at least 1 liter of water
☐ Outerwear (IbeRogaine 12-hour championship)

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